About Us
Stirling Community Early Learning Centre
Setting in Nature
Our Centre is nestled in the picturesque Adelaide hills surrounded by beautiful trees, bushes and natural environment. We make the most of this by participation in Bush Kindy during terms 2 and 3. We also practice road safety as we walk in our community – to the oval and surrounding areas. We can observe the natural changes to the environment during the changing of seasons – leaves changing colour, buds on plants, rainfall and the creek filling up. We notice the wind, the plants and birds. We have donned welly boots and raincoats and explored puddles and the creek, as well as our ideas and concepts about water. Nature is a vital part of our outdoor setting for children in the centre. We have wonderful outdoor play spaces available for the children at the back and front area of our centre. Research shows children gain so many health and other benefits from experiences in nature. They practice multiple skills and concepts (mathematical, social, scientific to name a few) to enhance and consolidate their learning
Our Team
Our educators are enthusiastic, dedicated and come with a variety of experiences in caring for children. High quality care means we provide a higher ratio of educators to children than licensing requirements centre wide. This ensures best practice through unhurried routines, opportunities for connection and building meaningful relationships.
Ongoing professional learning is essential for all of our educators and staff to ensure we are engaged in new research and information. We employ a mix of degree and diploma qualified educators, all of whom are encouraged to continue their learning through attendance at professional development courses, early childhood conferences and further study.
Our educators’ goal is always to improve the quality of care and education outcomes for children by meeting children’s social, emotional and intellectual development needs.

Quality Learning
The quality of our learning environment hinges on small groupings and high educator:child ratios to sustain child engagement and involvement, leading to better child wellbeing and learning opportunities.
We prioritise ensuring there is continuity among our staff to support the relationship between a primary caregiver and the children in his or her care, and to build a partnership with the child’s family to facilitate responsive care and ensure open communication channels.
Families are respected as their child’s primary care, support network and foundation for learning and development. We therefore encourage meaningful family participation in our Centre and offer a range of centre events for you and your family to attend throughout the year.
Daily conversations between educators and families are welcomed and encouraged as we know the importance of sharing information about your child’s individual needs, personalities and interests.

At Stirling Community Early learning Centre we have a strong focus on the development of relationships between children and educators. The strength of the relationship between your child and our educators underpins your child’s well-being in our centre. Our flexible programming supports your child’s development by providing times for discussion, songs, books and provocations that are stimulating and challenging. Our program is planned in line with the Early Years Learning Framework and has many elements inspired by Reggio Emilia learning including, child-led, play based and a preference for natural materials. Children develop competencies through opportunities to make choices that direct the focus of their learning; experiences are tailored to their changing interests and follow a dynamic progression.
Our service is a recognised Universal Access provider and will support your child’s pre-school education and learning. Our high quality program is lead by a University qualified Early Childhood Teacher, who programs using the National Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard.
Universal Access is a program administered by the Department of Education and Child Development to provide early childhood education to all children in the year before they begin school.
Our Universal Access Kindergarten/Preschool provides flexible session options to cater for families needs, and adheres to the same requirements as a stand-alone DECD kindergarten/preschool. Children are eligible for 4 sessions per week under the Universal Access to Early Childhood Education policy.
Learning in our Universal Access Program

We recognise that children are central to our philosophy and that positive relationships are built on a sense of belonging and secure attachments.

Nutritious meals and snacks are prepared daily by our in-house cook. We provide a seasonal menu over a four week rotating period. Different cultural influences are reflected in our food choices and menus are planned with a daily balance of 50% of children’s Recommended Daily Intake of Fruit, Dairy, Vegetable, Cereal and Protein provided in the meals and snacks offered. Meals are eaten in a relaxed setting at small table groups and are a time for conversation and connection with each other.