Room Information

Stirling Community Early Learning Centre

Infant Room

Your infants individual needs are most important to us and we meet these in a loving and caring environment. Creating strong and secure attachments are the foundations to successful learning. In the infant room our children feel nurtured, appreciated and positive about themselves which enables them to explore and learn.
We respect each child as an individual; we speak to children at their level of understanding and show them we care about their needs. We encourage experimenting and hands-on learning through play and daily routines. Each child has their own learning portfolio book which includes individual programmed observations and planned experiences. These portfolios are designed to celebrate the child’s learning journey and are available for parents and children to look through at all times.
The infant team access non-contact time for programming and planning for each child. Our educators have access to up-to-date professional development and training experiences regularly to support their ongoing learning.


Toddler-hood is a unique time of early childhood.  It is a time of autonomy and exploration.  Some of the major accomplishments of this stage of development are the toddler’s growing language ability, independence and self-help skills such as dressing, feeding, washing and toileting.  All of these skills involve a great deal of repetition and practice to master. Our Toddler team are highly experienced in supporting your toddler through mastering these new skills and support families to best manage the changing landscape of the toddler journey.

Our centre believes in trusting partnerships between families and children to achieve the best educational and well-being outcomes from your child’s time in care.  Play is crucial to children’s early learning and our children are encouraged to make choices regarding their play and the materials they use, in order to pursue their personal interests. Each child has their own learning portfolio folder which includes individual programmed observations and planned experiences. These portfolios are designed to celebrate your child’s learning journey and are available for parents and children to look through at all times.

Our toddler team access non-contact time for program planning for each child. Our educators have access to up-to-date professional development and training experiences regularly to support their ongoing learning.


Our pre kindy children are finding balance between their independence and need for support with their exploration and curiosity.  Educators in the pre kindy space provide a safe base for children’s exploration.  Children’s skills are developing in all areas such as social, emotional, cognition, communication and physical.  Educators plan for and support each of these areas for each child through trusted relationships, knowing children well and their knowledge of the E.Y.L.F.  Educators follow children’s lead and interests.  Play underpins our curriculum as it is vital for children in these early years to connect the neurons in the brain through the sensory pathways.

Our pre kindy team access  non-contact time for program planning for each child.  Our educators have access to up-to-date professional development and training experiences regularly to support their ongoing learning.


Kindy children are eager and curious learners who love to question the world around them. They begin to develop more complex social relationships and show increasing skill in their communication and physical capabilities.

Our team of Kindy educators are highly experienced in working with children to support their development of these new skill sets. Our educators expertly guide children through their evolving emotional responses to situations and provide strategies that enable them to regulate their feelings appropriately. In conjunction with our Early Childhood Teacher, the kindy educators ensure that your child engages in a holistic and challenging learning environment that prepares them for school.

We provide a nurturing and secure environment for children to thrive. Play is crucial to children’s learning and our children are encouraged to make choices regarding their play and the materials they use, in order to pursue their personal interests. Our natural setting provides the ideal location for your child’s imaginative play, forming the basis for much of their social interactions.  Literacy, numeracy, STEM, creative arts and collaborative group projects ensure your child’s learning needs are met. 

Our centre believes in trusting partnerships between families and children to achieve the best educational and well-being outcomes from your child’s time in care. Each child has their own learning portfolio  which includes individual programmed observations and planned experiences. These portfolios are designed to celebrate the child’s learning journey and are available for parents and children to look through at all times.